Another Look

Taking a fresh look at Controversial Bible Topics

Welcome to my website! Here, I aim to provide a fresh and unbiased look at controversial topics related to the bible. These topics include controversial end-times topics such as the rapture and the mark of the Beast. I will also cover other currently relevant topics from a biblical prospective. These include such things as global warming and controlling spirits. My primary objective with this site is to cover topics using a maximum amount of bible and a minimum amount of commentary. In this day and age most people are unwilling or lack the time to read a 200 page book on a single topic that can be easily covered in only a few typed pages. For this reason the articles on this site are short, biblical and to the point with no filler or fluff. The views expressed on this site have been arrived at after 25 years of study and research combined with a lot of critical thinking. Over the past five years I have written many articles which have simply remained idle on my computer. This site was established in December 2023 as means of sharing these articles. Feel free to contact me with any support or criticism that you may have about this site.

Thanks for stopping by.


Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.